At St James, Physical Education is an integral part of the curriculum. Our school offers a variety of sporting activities, with emphasis being placed on the development of skills and participation for all.
A specialist Physical Education Teacher works with students from all year levels to provide a balanced and effective Physical Education program.
In addition to our weekly Physical Education lessons, there are a wide range of programs and opportunities provided for our students throughout the year:
- Motor Program in Prep focusing on hand-eye coordination, ball skills and balance
- Swimming Program – Term One, six week intensive program of specialist lessons
- Cross Country
- Interschool Sport and Gala Day Competitions
- Athletics Program
- SuperStars Dance Program
- After School/Before School Independent Programs – Skipping Club, Remar Tennis, visiting groups (Brisbane Roar Soccer, Brisbane Lions, Rookies to Reds Rugby, Qld Cricket)
- Participation in Lytton District Trials, Cross Country Meet, and the Catholic Zone Carnival
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St James School (2022)