Model of Religious Education
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St James School (2023)
Religious Education at St James School is organised around the Model for Religious Education (Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane, 2013, p. 11). This model illustrates the distinct and complimentary role of the classroom teaching of Religion and the Religious Life of the School (Congregation for Catholic Education, 1988, para. 70; Moran, 2007). The integration of both dimensions in the daily life of the school provides students with the opportunity to not only learn through religious literacy but to be a religious voice in the world. This learning inspires the students to be agents of change through their actions and is reflective of our aim to combine both heart and mind.
The St James School Religion Program draws its content from the Religion Curriculum P-12 (Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane, 2013, pp. 20-180) and is organised into Year Level Learning Progressions, bodies of knowledge and sets of skills that students engage with enroute to successfully attaining the identified curriculum intention based on the year level Achievement Standard.
The Religious Life of the School denotes the way in which we shape and enrich our school through living the Gospel of Jesus. Brisbane Catholic Education promotes a distinct Catholic identity that is explicitly celebrated, visible, expressive, and lived. At St James, we inspire a love of learning and endeavour to realise the potential of each person by developing the head, heart and hands of our students, staff, and community.
All images © Brisbane Catholic Education, St James School (2023)